The District enjoys a Pleasant Climate. It is generally dry except in the monsoon season. The year may be divided into four seasons. The hot season from March to about the middle of June is followed by the monsoon season lasting up to end of September. October and November may be termed the post-monsoon season. The period from December to February is the cold season. There is no meteorological observatory in the district.
The average annual rainfall of the district is 833.6 mm. Dhar district receives maximum rainfall during south – west monsoon period i.e. June to September. About 91.1 % of the annual rainfall received during monsoon season.
Dhar district is located in the temperate zone. After February there is steady increase in the Temperature. May is the hottest month with mean daily maximum at about 400C. Temperature in summer season increases to 44-45 degrees. With the onset of the south-west monsoon by the second week of June there is appreciable drop in temperature and the weather is cool and pleasant. In September, day temperature rises and in October, it reaches a secondary maximum. After October, day and night temperature decrease rapidly, January is generally the coldest month with the mean daily maximum at about 27oC. and the mean daily minimum at about 10oC. Cold waves affect the district in the area of passing western disturbances across northern India and the minimum temperature may drop down occasionally to about the freezing point of water.
Except rainy season, while humidity remains high, the atmosphere of the district is generally dry. The driest part of the year is summer, when the relative humidity is less than 20 percent.
Except for the rainy season, when there is very cloudy sky, the sky is clean or there is light cloud.
Winds are generally hot in the post-monsoon and winter season and stronger in the summer and monsoon season. Winds blow mostly from direction between southwest and north-west during the monsoon months. In the post – monsoon and winter seasons the winds are mainly north-eastern or eastern. By March winds from directions between south-west and north-west appear and by April these become predominant and continue in the rest of summer and the monsoon season.
Weather specialities
Thunderstorms are possible in all months though in post-monsoon and winter months they are rare. Fog occurs occasionally in cold season. The southern and south eastern part of the district gets less rainfall than elsewhere but in the southern parts in the region of Mandu the rainfall is very much higher.