
Dhar Museum

Category Historic


Archeological museum inside the Dhar fort conserves and magnificently showcases, the ancient and previous archeological remains of various eras and echoes the historical significance of the place. Dhar proudly boasts of its museum as number of sculptures end antiquities preserved from Dhar and its neighborhood beautifully showcase. the rich history or Dhar. It in an utilitarian stone building in the British style of the late 19th century. Earlier the building had been Dhar’s state prison Central school and office of District Commandant home guard.  Later, in the year 2010 the museum became operational in the fort premises. The museum today pompously hosts pieces of art and history including antiquity gallery, coin gallery. Inscription gallery, sculpture art gallery, contemporary art gallery and tribal art gallery. In addition, some sculptures and cannons are displayed in the open courtyard too. In the year 1875, collection of archeological remains commenced from debris near Rajbada at Dhar.

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