

Category Historic


These Caves Are the oldest Monolith/Shrine in the City of Mandav. They Were Made Through Simple Excavation and they are no Inscription regrading the time they were made, from the looks of it. One Can Say that they were Excavated Around 11th and 12th Centuries, the Caves Look like a Shell Shaped room and they were probably made to serve as a Resedent for Shaivism Sages . There is a pool in front of the Cave which was filled with Debries and when the Archaeological department removed it. They found 80 Statues of Hindu God’s and Goddesses which Are now kept in the Local Museum along with the Statue there was a also a Document with a Prayer of Lord Vishnu on it. It is sad that the relics of temple around this caves indicate in old Lord Shiva temple.

Tourists visiting Mandu are required to visit the Lohani cave area. There is a deep ditch at around 700 to eight hundred feet here. This place is located near to the Sun set point.  There are 4- 5 caves, a waterfall flows near these caves, due to which this place becomes even more delightful.

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